Hallo Stuart,

On Sun, 24 Sep 2006 14:29:13 -0500GMT (24-9-2006, 21:29 , where I
live), you wrote:

SC> I am going to be receiving an e-mail generated from a form on a web
SC> page that will have the following layout:
SC> -----------------------------------------------------------------
SC> Jim, Jones, 111 Portage Ave, Winnipeg, MB, R0G 2J0, 204-555-4463,
SC> [EMAIL PROTECTED], 4444, Tech-P, Burntwood
SC> ----------------------------------------------------------------- I
SC> I need to send an e-mail to the e-mail address in the message and it
SC> needs to contain a login name and password. The login name in this
SC> case will be Jones4444 which as you can see combines two of the fields
SC> and the password is 4444.

Try something like this:

Hello %SubPatt='2',
Your username is %SubPatt='3'%SubPatt='6',
your password is %SubPatt='6'

The above will only work when your '-------' lines are part of the
message, in case they aren't you should try this:

Hello %SubPatt='1',
Your username is %SubPatt='2'%SubPatt='5',
your password is %SubPatt='5'

For more detail please take this to tbtech.

Groetjes, Roelof

Veni, vidi, vacuum, (I came, I saw--nothing.)
The Bat! 3.85.03
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
1 pop3 account, server on LAN
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz


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