Hello Achdut18,

On Thursday, February 27, 2014,  you wrote:

> OK.   Anxious to set up TB! on my new laptop, I was unable to wait for
> a  response  to  my  most recent post, and went ahead and followed the
> advice that Thomas Fernandez gave in his post from Feb. 18, 2014.


In my experience TB's internal backkup and restore is totally
unreliable, and has been for years. It should either be repaired or
removed !

I now use Second Copy, which you can trial with no usage restrictions
during the trial, or just RAR up the whole TB! directory structure and
transfer like that. I use RAR rather than ZIP as it seems the
resulting file is more compact, and its error checking is better.

Quite why something as important and basic as an internal backup and
restore function in an e-mail client remains broken and regularly
reported as such, while frivolities are added, I have no idea :(


Chris Wilson

"Using The Bat! v5.8.10 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3"


Current version is 6.1.8 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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