Hello Adrian,

On Thu, 20 Mar 2014 11:54:01 +0100 GMT (20-Mar-14, 17:54 +0700 GMT),
Adrian Godfrey wrote:

> When  I  reply  and  select the personality I actually want to use for
> sending  my  reply  from,  queuing the message does not put it into the
> outbox  for the personality I selected  (but does show that personality in the
> "from" line), so the send fails. Is this normal?

There is a setting under Accouint / Properties / General:

[ ] This account is the default

I don't know whether it would apply in your case, when replying from a
common folder.

Let's read on:

> Have I missed a setting somewhere? If I happen to notice, I move
> that queued message from the "wrong" outbox to the "correct" one and
> the send then works.

If you move the outgoing message to another Outbox, the From header
will not be changed. Instead, in the editor you choose:

Options / Active Account / <list of accounts, and you choose the one
 you want>

This works for me when I need to switch the account I want to reply
from. I have 13 active email addresses.

> Is there a "common" outbox irrespective of which personality I
> actually select so that I don't need to keep moving messages between
> outboxes?

No, it wouldn't make sense to have a common Outbox. How would TB! know
which SMTP server to use, for example?




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