On Sun, 13 Apr 2014 at 00:52:24 +0400,Assad wrote:
> Hello Robin,
> On 08 April 2014, Robin Anson wrote and made these points on the
> subject of "Quick templates and html":
RA>> I haven't yet sorted out why the delimiters I use in my quick
RA>> templates (e.g. ", ', %, $, ^, etc) appear in the output when I use an
RA>> html message template.
>      One way you can circumvent this problem is to have the
> template in a separate Quick Template then use %Qinclude to call for the 
> template.

Actually, that is what I do.

I have discovered that if I execute the QT manually, i.e. I type it's
handle and then press CTRL+SPACE, it works fine. If I use %QInclude to
call it from the template, it fails.

How can that be? I don't know, but I have finally given up on TB! for
business use and am moving to Outlook now.


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