Hello Assad,

M>> It should work as MFPA and Feli have suggested, it does work here. Just
M>> make sure you switch accounts *before* entering anything in the message
M>> body.
> Sure I did switch account "before" anything else. Try to do this test
> please. Turn the background of account B red, then from account A,
> switch to account B, you will still have background for account A.

So you are talking about HTML templates, aren't you? That may make a
difference. Is background color the only thing that doesn't change? I
hardly use HTML at all, but I seem to recall someone reporting problems 
on setting background color not too long ago. I'll take a looks when I 
have some time.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v6.4.0.2
My photos at: http://www.Rancho-K.com
My photoblog: http://mau.aminus3.com

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