
On Sunday 27 April 2014 at 10:15:44 PM, in
<mid:373836798.20140427221...@theluminousvoid.plus.com>, Robert Bull

>   I just today updated to TB (registered),
>   since when my GMX mailboxes have stopped working. 

Stopped sending as well, or only stopped receiving?

>  27/04/2014, 22:03:48: FETCH - receiving mail messages
> 27/04/2014, 22:03:48: FETCH - Connecting to POP3 server
> pop.gmx.com on port 110 !27/04/2014, 22:04:10: FETCH -
> Connect failed

> And on the other mailbox:

>  27/04/2014, 22:09:40: FETCH - Connecting to POP3
> server pop.gmx.com on port 995  27/04/2014, 22:09:40:
> FETCH - Initiating TLS handshake !27/04/2014, 22:10:01:
> FETCH - TLS handshake failure. Connect failed  

You could activate protocol logging for those accounts to get more 
detailed output. (If you post that output here, make sure to scrub it 
of passwords.)

My initial guess was TLS certificate issues, but the log for your
account that is trying to connect on port 110 doesn't mention "TLS 
handshake" so it can't be that. Before looking too far, I would try 
re-entering passwords. And maybe logging into the GMX website in case 
there was anything relevant there.

Best regards

MFPA                    mailto:2014-667rhzu3dc-lists-gro...@riseup.net

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