Hi there!

On 15 Oct 99, at 21:48, MaXxX wrote
    about "Re[6]: PGP Check Signature does not":

> Wrong.
> I'm from Poland myself, and let me teach you one thing about Russian
> and Polish last names:

Pretty interesting an explanation:-))) Only.....

> 1. Polish names NEVER have a "v" (vee) in them.
> 2. Russian names are easy to read for you! If you read a Russian name,
>    let's say, Sheishenko, it sounds fine. Try to read a Polish name!

this would be most probably Ukrainian:-))) 

>    Krzysztof Szczyglowski, or Mariusz Mistrzewicz for example!
>    That's because the Russian people use an alphabet completely
>    different from the 26-letter ASCII and to write their names in
>    ASCII they have to convert them to the proper English-style
>    phonetics.

Uhum, my middle name is "Vyatcheslavovitch". Can anybody 

>    Poland uses ASCII, only extended with 9 special letters. That's why
>    Polish names are written as they are in Poland, which makes them
>    easy to read by Poles and a horror to read for foreigners (you see,
>    Polish pronounciation is WAY different from English).
> 3. Polish names NEVER end with "-kov". That's a Russian (or
>    post-russian, anyway) feature ONLY.  Sure, sure, there ARE
>    exceptions, but that's a general rule.
>    Most Polish names end with "-ski" or "-cki".

SY, Alex
(St.Petersburg, Russia)
Thought for the day:
  AAAAA - American Association Against Acronym Abuse

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A677 81C9 48CF 16D1 B589  9D33 E7D5 675F 2141 35A2 (DH/DSS) 

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