On Saturday, October 23, 1999, at 5:54 you wrote:
DSI> Hello,

DSI> THE BAT! already does most of the e-mail job, any chance to have
DSI> newsgroup read/send.

DSI> Think of it, all in one is better to switch between many software
DSI> and Outlook/Communicator integrates both mail and news.

This is where I think you will find the most disagreement. The
majority of the list members (let me clarify that, the majority back
when the list was on PCSInet, the demographics may have changed some
since then.) Felt very strongly against incorporating other functions
like news reading, and even HTML into TB. Yes Outlook and Communicator
package all that stuff together, but they are both bloated pigs of
software that don't do their jobs very well. A certain phrase comes to
mind when thinking about these two software packages. "Jack of all
trades, master of none."

I would much rather use separate pieces of software that are "masters"
than one kludged together bloated pig that can do a little bit of

For instance, here is my software use:
Mail          TB
Usenet News   Agent
Browser       Opera
FTP           Cute FTP
D/L Manager   Getright
Pic Viewer    ACDSee
Telnet        CRT 3.0
IM/chat       ICQ
Chat          mIRC
Clipboard     Clipmate
Text          Textpad 4
Online timer  Logtime
AV            Norton
Stocks/MF     PSM
C2C link      Laplink Pro

I'm sure my list will differ in areas from others (everybody has their
favorites), but my point is that I don't want a piece of software that
can only do a half job. I realize that for a great number of
Internet/computer users, this may not be the case, because they don't
push the envelope.

A "Cashless God". Is THAT what they mean by "non Denominational"????

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.36 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

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