Hi Adam,

Saturday, November 13, 1999, 4:45:49 PM, you wrote:

AG> Welcome,

AG> i don`t know, i give up... i downloaded it xxx times, tried to repeair
AG> it, but i think you know what happend... than i downoaded 1.37/beta1
AG> and guess what...
AG> i give up, i`m waiting for 1.37 official...
AG> and someone send me the "correct" file... I don`t have to say what
AG> happend... "application corrupted! terminating"
AG> ok, here`s the question: when is there`s going to be 1.37 official?

Waiting  for 1.37 is unlikely to solve your problem, could you explain
exactly when you get the 'application corrupted' message, is it during
unpacking  i.e.  when  you  click 'the_bat.exe' or is it when you have
unpacked and click 'install' ??
If  the  error occurs when you click install it could be caused if you
have  used one of Ivanopulos cracks to your previous version, I am not
suggesting you would do this of course:-) If this is the case you will
need to firstly delete the following key from your registry
and also delete any executables or DLL's from your TB folders.
Good Luck

Best regards,

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