Hi there!

On 15 Nov 99, at 12:23, Syafril Hermansyah wrote
    about "Re: Scandinavian character problem":

> SH>> Are you using International Language Pack ? Have you update it ?
> TF> I  thought  the language pack is about the interface language, not
> TF> about  the  chracter  encoding/decoding in the mail bodies. Kindly
> TF> advise.
> I  thought as you in the past, till install the international language
> pack.  At  a  sudden,  if  receiving  msg  from "Alexander V. Kiselev"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  which  content  double-byte  character  set, my
> default  font  change  to  Courier  (actually  my  default  font     =
> Monospace821BT).

I *never* sent a single message with double-byte characters! I 
even can't send one. What I do is sending the messages in 8-
bit encodings, like this:

Немножко по-русски...

As you know, 8 bits=1 byte, NOT 2 bytes!

> I   guess,   the   default   font   which   set  by  Oyvind  Antonsen
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  not  support double-byte characterset. So, there
> are 2 workaround here :
> 1. Change the characterset or,
> 2. Install Int Language Pack.

Forget it, no connection to the problem whatsoever.

SY, Alex
(St.Petersburg, Russia)
Thought for the day:
  Work expands to exceed available time ---
               Parkinson's Law

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