Alexander V. Kiselev wrote:

>> Not to defend TB's filtering approach, but I don't see anything in your
>> description that you can't do with TB. The difference would be that TB
>> moves read messages when read rather than on 'closing' the folder, and
>> if you wanted to keep the messages in the folder until you were done
>> reading all messages, you could set the rule to manual and re-filter.

> The only problem is filtering *any* folder, not only  Inbox, on it's 
> _opening_:-) I'm using this approach now and then, you see:-)

Yes, Pegasus allows you to create filter sets which may be assigned on
a per folder basis and be made to be applied when the folder either is
opened or closed. Each folder may then have two separate sets of
filters assigned to it, ie, one to be run on opening and one to be run
on closing the folder.

That's some handy functionality there that, personally, I don't need,
but Douglas seems to need this.

> Note, that most of the time I would like to filter *both* read and 
> unread messages in such a situation, hence... with TB it comes 
> to be a bit tricky...

It may be done with The Bat!, but only manually.

> Okay, anyhow I'll bet we have to look at the long-expected ver.2
> prior to proceed with this interesting discussion:-))


 * Ali Martin              mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  ** Upgrade: take old bugs out, put new ones in.
   *** Using The Bat! v1.38 Beta/4 [-] Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 6)  

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