Hello users,

Below is the rough draft for the interview I will be holding with the
RIT Labs people. If you can think of any questions you'd like
answered, then please send them to me at:

<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=Interview>

Please ensure that you do *not* send your inputs to the list. Check
the TO field before sending.

Also, please try not to submit wish list questions. I've asked what
wish list items are going to be addressed in the interview, and
including them in the interview would make it way too unwieldy.

Well, here are the questions:

- Why did you decide to write an e-mail client package?

- Did you base it from another e-mail client package?

- Why did you choose the name "The Bat!"?

- How is RIT Labs structured? Who works there? Is it an office type
  setting or do you do most of the work from home?

- Did you imagine that TB would be this successful?

Now the questions everyone has been waiting for... Everything below
this paragraph concerns version 2.0.


- Are there many changes to the GUI? If so, do you have a couple of
  screenshots for us to see?

- v2.0 is rumored to have been built from the ground up (not from
  version 1.x), is this true?

- Will v2.0 be backwards compatible? Meaning if someone has problems
  with it, can they reinstall v1.x and still have all of their
  messages, filters, and acccounts accessible?

- When will the beta be released?

- Is there a planned port to Linux? Will you charge for it?

- v2.0 is rumored to support 3rd party plugins. Is this true? How will
  they be implemented (.dll or scripted etc.)

- How extensive will the plugin support be? Meaning, can new menu
  items, macros, functions etc. be added?

- Are there any changes to the filtering subsystem? For example,
  grouping of like filters, copying filters between accounts etc.

- Are there any changes to the address book? i.e. Different address
  book support for different accounts.

- Will v2.0 support non-fixed width fonts?

- Will v2.0 support customizable kludges? i.e. X-**** like X-Website:

- v2.0 is rumored to allow us to redefine shortcut keys. Is this true?
  Can we create new shortcut key combinations?

- Will we be able to customize our toolbar? Will it allow us to add
  new buttons, or can we only use the buttons/functions already in

- There is a rumor floating around that TB will include a usenet news
  reader. Is this true? If so, why have you decided to do this? How
  much overhead (bloat) will this add.

- Version 2.0 is rumored to support scripting. Can you give us an
  example of a short script?

- Will we be able to use scripting in templates to create things like
  our own macros? Meaning, can we call scripts (like the %include
  macro), or must they be inlined in every template we want to use
  them in?

- How extensive is the scripting? Can we call other programs to
  perform functions. For example (I'm just making this up), suppose we
  want to launch our browser whenever a message includes a URL. I know
  the filters currently support this (sort of) in that you can call an
  external program on the actions tab, but can we pass different types
  of variables (or is that what the %regexp macro stuff is for?)

- Will the scripting support error control? For example, will it
  address the long standing bug of not checking an address book group
  to see if an address actually exists before performing the "remove
  address book entry" function on the actions tab in filters?

- Will version 2.0 fully support HTML both in sending, and viewing
  href'd images? How will you handle the issue of unscrupulous web
  site developers stealing our e-mail addresses when TB gets the
  href'd image? i.e.

- Will v2.0 support hooks for virus scanning attachments to messages?

- Will v2.0 fully support MAPI?

- How big (filesize) do you expect v2.0 to be?

- How much do you expect v2.0 to cost? How much will the upgrade from
  v1.x cost?

- How many of the items on the wish list are going to be addressed in
  v2.0 that I didn't cover above?


One of the main reasons that I have spent so much time and effort in
supporting you guys is that you really listen to what your users have
to say. I think that I speak for the rest of the TB community when I
say that as long as you continue to support us, we will support you in
every way we can!

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBT List Moderator
Web Site   <http://www.pcwize.com>
TBUDL FAQ  <http://www.pcwize.com/thebat/faq.shtml>

Using The Bat! 1.38e under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

View the TBUDL archive at http://tbudl.thebat.dutaint.com
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