tracer wrote:

dMb>> Is there anyway to prevent purging of unread messages?  I looked
dMb>> around but couldn't find the setting.

> The way I handle my incoming mail and I am sure it can be improved, is
> to make all or most regular incomings a filter so they go to their
> boxes and my INBOX is slipped through spam and relatively rarely
> occuring or repeating msgs
> I seem to get about 400 mails per day this week but my inbox maybe has
> 5-10.

I handle my mail pretty much the same way.  Still, I don't get to read
all mail in all folders every day.  As a list admin, I usually give
priority to certain folders.

OTOH, on a daily basis, I purge and compress the "busy" folders. I
won't be able to do that until I'm sure I've read everything that
_might_ get purged. Seems to me that this should/could be a feature
request. I know it exists in many other readers (unread messages don't
get purged).

Thanks for the feedback.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] -'95 Concours
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