Thomas wrote:

d>> After selecting the O.K. button, or whatever it is, I got a series of
d>> beeps and I was back at the main screen of TB!

> I just played a little bit, and the forward worked without any beeps.

Can I have your machine?  :)

d>> Going to to outbox, I found that some of the messages were fine.
d>> Others only had the text from the template without the body of the
d>> message that I was forwarding.  There did not seem to be a pattern,
d>> as to which ones were O.K. and which ones were missing the body of the
d>> message.

> The same confused me, especially since it seemed to work perfectly
> with some folders, but not in others. Only the template, no body of
> the original message, was shown.

FWIW, I sometimes get an Application Error and get booted out of TB!
Happened on a second test to the same person.  One thread only. About
5 messages.  When I got back into TB!, they messages were in the
outbox, but once again, only some of them had the body of the message
in them.

> I found out that when I forwarded multiple message from the TBUDL
> folder, the folder-specific template for creating messages was used.
> Please check whether this may be the pattern (or maybe
> address-specific templates in your case?).

I DO use folder specific templates, but I don't use address-specific
templates anywhere in my setup.  Also note that the name of the person
is not selected as favorite, but there IS a handle.  Finally, this
person's address does exist in the pull down list of recent addresses
used.  Other than that, I can't figure out any patters.

Anyone else got any ideas?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] -'95 Concours
DoD #1359  COG #2103  SR #772  AEE #036025  ASHRAE #5106329  
PADI NRA LF-FL AAAAA (American Association Against Acronym Abuse)

Born to be Wild. Sentenced to Sedation.

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