Hello Douglas Hinds,
On Wed, 08 Mar 2000 00:40:41 -0600 GMT your local time,
which was Wednesday, March 08, 2000, 1:40:41 PM (GMT+0700) my local time,
Douglas Hinds wrote:

> Hello tracer & all fellow TBUDL members,

> Tuesday, March 07, 2000, 6:32:48 PM, tracer wrote:

t>> Openning another program while The Bat is opening will kill my
t>> system. Sure... Its easy to do as well or to forget it and then
t>> nothing helps except a restart

> I just shut it down TB! 1.39 and while it reopened, I opened EccoPro
> with no problems, under an early Win95.  Is the version of windows
> likely to figure in this problem?

possible and the best time to hang it is to open something while the
postbat is visible...

> Douglas

Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.41 Beta/5 with Windows 98
I am using FireTalk: 321338
ICQ: on request 
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