
Now before I start. I'm not in any way trying to cause an argument, or be
antagonistic, or upset anyone :) <- happy to be a TBUDL subscriber. I've
emailed tracer off list just to make certain there is no misunderstanding.

If you think what I say stinks or has offended you, you can always email me
@ [EMAIL PROTECTED] anytime. V

Now, Nick Andriash posted to [EMAIL PROTECTED] making the following comments:

NA> Justin, you'd be in the minority then I'm afraid. IE updates _do_ cause
NA> problems, and as such,

 I wouldn't say that he is in a minority actually. Although it does really
 depend on individual system configurations I suppose.

NA> I stay well clear of any IE updates. In fact, I use

 Personally now, I have found the majority of IE updates to be rather
 innocuous. Perhaps because I am Outlook free? (This installation never had
 any Outlook or Frontpage apps installed, not even Express versions)

NA> Opera and haven't touched IE in 6 months.

The last time I tried Opera it was rather a pain. It was a while back mind
you so perhaps a second look is in order. Dropping IE is Ok if you don't do
much web development.

NA> If I _have_ to use one of the
NA> bigger browsers for anything (Opera is extremely finicky), I'll use
NA> Netscape.

This is just an I hate M$ issue then. I mean that IE5 is in fact a good

NA> IE Updates replace a whole host of System DLL's, but the problem is, they
NA> don't all work well together with other MS Products, such as having a
NA> current MS Outlook install for instance.

I don't think that everyone that uses Windows and IE together has Outlook installed
Well I don't at least. I use TB! ;-)

NA> Nick

Slán anois, 

 Simon      send private mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         

Usin' TB! v1.41 & registered

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  L’homme est bien insensé. Il ne saurait forger un ciron, et forge des Dieux ŕ 

  (Man is quite insane. He cannot create a maggot, and he creates Gods by the dozen)

  MONTAIGNE 1533-1592

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