Hello Oliver and Batmans,

>> Yes, PGP plug-in is very weak place of The Bat. May be 2.0 will make
>> us happy in hat sense :)

> I wouldn't say it's a weak point... I've developed an app with the PGP
> SDK   myself,   and   I   must   say   that's  a  candidate  for  the
> worst-api-available-competition.  So  I'm  hesitant to say it's a weak

my congratulations :)

> point.  Maybe  they  should  think  about dropping support for so many
> different  versions. AFAIK, everyone can get an up-to-date PGP version
> on  the  net  for  nothing, so there aren't many reasons why one would
> stay with an old version for long. Just IMHO, of course.

Well... Point... Or something else it doesn't change anything. Guys
from RIT SHOULD think about supporting PGP more smart and carefully.

U are completely right. Supporting different old versions PGP has no
sense. But i guess Stefan don't think so...

> Oliver Sturm

Regards, Your sincerely registered
3AHO3A <[EMAIL PROTECTED]|2:5012/18.2>

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