Hello Gary,

Saturday, July 9, 2011, 10:55:48 PM, you wrote:

>  My opinion is that The Bat! developers are pathetic testers of their 
>  product, and quite unprofessional to foist such a defective product upon 
>  consumers.

I can only confirm that. I'm now using 5.0.18, so a version several updates 
after 5.0, and there are still so many bugs that I wouldn't recommend updating 
to anyone who can live with v4 / got used to the bugs there and doesn't want to 
risk new ones.

The main problems I see, which is why I don't recommend updating:
- Problems during the update process (if you're lucky your IMAP folder settings 
is the only thing you lose)
- IMAP outbox still not working, risk of message loss (different bugs, but same 
result as in v4)
- IMAP periodical check and counters not working correctly (showstopper for me)

I complained a lot about IMAP in v4, and still think it's rediculous that v4 
was released with all those bugs. But at least I know the behaviour in and out 
now. With  v5 the bottom line is that it didn't get better, but you'll have to 
adjust to new bugs and new odd behaviour. I don't see the benefit.

Best regards,

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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