On 29. avgust 2012, 16:04:43, Alto Speckhardt wrote:

> what am I supposed to buy if I want to extend my existing TheBat
> registration? My registration data is valid up to and including the
> version I'm using now (v5.0.36.2), later versions don't accept this
> key anymore.

You have a v4 key, which is valid for from version 4.0 up to 5.0.99
(which is why it works for

> Is there an update offer? On the RIT page (or that of their German
> representative) I could only find version updates (v2 -> v5) or
> category updates (Home -> Pro), not extension updates ("plus 1 year".)

Buy an upgrade key to v5, and you'll receive a key that's valid for
versions up to 6.0.99. This is just the way RIT handles registration
keys (there's no time extensions - keys are valid for specific

< Jernej Simončič ><><><><><><><><><><><>< http://eternallybored.org/ >

           Because 10 billion years' time is so fragile, so ephemeral...
it arouses such a bittersweet, almost heartbreaking fondness.

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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