Hello Bat People,

  We  recently  changed from Earthlink to Verizon FIOS as our ISP. POP
  email  changed  from  downloading almost instantly to holding for 90
  seconds. After I called Verizon the delay changed to 30 seconds.

  This  throttle  seems to be aimed at TB because no such delay exists
  when  email  is  downloaded  into  Thunderbird  or  even screened by
  Mailwasher.  There is no delay sending (SMTP).

  My settings are:
  POP3            port 110    Connection/Security: Regular Password
  SMTP            port 26     Connection/Security: Regular Password

 Has anyone experienced this and found a way around it? Thank you.
Best regards,
 Richard                          mailto:the...@newmangroup.com
Using The Bat! v5.3.6.0 (Christmas Edition) on Windows XP6 Build 7601 Service 
Pack 1

Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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