Hello TBUDL@thebat.,

Monday, May 13, 2013, 6:56:59 PM, you wrote:

LSB> (I am already using TheBat's backup facility, and about a year ago, I
LSB> had to restore from the backup file.)

LSB> Now, I am interested in being able to copy or export the Address Book
LSB> so that I can view it outside of TheBat. This copy/export effort,
LSB> secondarily, would offer me the possibility of backing up the Address
LSB> Book separately. Is there any way to do that?

LSB> Thanks.

In the Address Book -
        File - Export to - Address List (Plain Text)
This produces a .txt file of the address book

If you wish to copy only a selection:
        Select the addresses you want in the usual way with Shift - Mouse left 
click or Control = Mouse left click
        File - Export to - Export Selection - In the save As box, choose 
Address Lists (Plain Text)

You can choose other formats from the available list.



 Using The Bat! v5.2.2 on Windows 7
6.1 Build 7601 Service Pack 1          

...Afraid of heights? Not me, I'm afraid of widths! 

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