>like my logo and Twittter icons to be embedded rather than attached. I'd also 
>like to be able to attach files occasionally as proper attachments but I have 
>the images embedded/inline.

You can add it to the template. Change the mail template to HTML and use the 
image icon to add the image. If you want, you can make a template with the 
logo(s) and assign it a key combination to  insert it where you want
Only do one template at once. There is a bug in there and you must close the 
templates and reopen to do a second one or you will have a mess (try it and 
just be prepared to fix it) :))

When I feed the poor they call me a saint. When I ask why so many people are 
poor they call me a communist.
- Dom Helder Câmara

v5.4.8 on Windows 6.2 Build  9200

Using all POP accounts
I download all images


Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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