Hello Tony,

Wednesday, December 4, 2013, 10:51:17 AM, you wrote:

> Hello Karla,

> Monday, December 2, 2013, 3:21:54 AM, you wrote:

>> Hello Tbudl,

>>   I  received an email on Nov 18th, which happened to be an SMS with a
>>   phone  number  as the "From".  I have multiple IMAP accounts set up,
>>   and  a  virtual  folder  that  watches the Inboxes of 2 accounts.  I
>>   cannot   permanently   delete  this  particular  email,  nor  can  I
>>   permanently  mark  it  as read or move it.  I have gone to the Inbox
>>   where  it was originally received and am able to mark it as read and
>>   delete  it  there, but then it pops right back up in that folder and
>>   the virtual folder.  If I go to the webmail, the email is not there;
>>   it  is only in TB!  I have the idea that this is called an "orphan",
>>   but I sure don't know what to do to get rid of it.

>>   Karla
>>   The Bat! 5.8.8
> You could try clearing the cache for the Inbox in question. All 
> messages will be downloaded again. If the message still appears in the
> virtual folder, try refreshing it (Ctrl-R)

I'm  not sure what clearing the Inbox cache means, but I have Emptied,
Purged/Compacted  regularly,  and I just did Ctrl-R (which also brings
up a reply to email window).  Also refreshed the folders via the menu.
 The email remains.

Best regards,
 Cafe Noir                            mailto:cafe.n...@mail.ru

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