Hello MFPA,

On Sat, 12 Apr 2014 11:46:07 +0100 GMT (12-Apr-14, 17:46 +0700 GMT),
MFPA wrote:

> On Friday 11 April 2014 at 2:53:39 PM, in
> <mid:120357717.20140411205...@thebat.net>, Thomas Fernandez wrote:

>> Actually, no. I did not expect the draft to be sent
>> just because I reopened it to work on it again.

> Well, I wouldn't expect it *just* because I had re-opened it for
> editing. Having finished editing, unless I saved it as a draft again,
> I would expect it to be sent on the next send/receive operation for
> that account.

Sure, as long as I put in in the Outbox. While I am still editing it,
the previous version was sent - in an earlier version of TB!, as I
said. It has been fixed.

> The only problem I have experienced with re-opening drafts for editing
> is that TB! cancels the message's "sign when completed" and "encrypt
> when completed" settings, replacing them with the defaults in the
> account settings. TB! does not tell you it has done this, so messages
> you thought were going to be encrypted can easily end up being sent
> "in the clear". There were a couple of bug reports about this before
> Ritlabs' server failure wiped out the bugtracker; I don't see any
> entries about this problem in the current bugtracker, so maybe it has
> been fixed in a more recent version.

No, I am not talking about PGP or MIME signing. I have never used that
and wouldn't know whether it works in TB! or not.

>> But never mind, it's water down the bridge, and the bug
>> has been fixed.  

> All's well that ends well.

Right. Let's stop this conversation.




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