Hello Assad,

FW>> When you reply or open a new message, at the bottom  of the window is a
FW>> field that shows the account used for the message. Clicking on that
FW>> field lets you switch between all accounts available. This will also
FW>> change the FROM-field.
>      You are right but for new message,  it only changes the from and
> smtp sever without applying the template.; at least this is how it behaves 
> here.

It should work as MFPA and Feli have suggested, it does work here. Just 
make sure you switch accounts *before* entering anything in the message 

BTW, I am curious about what was the end of the story with your 'Ghost 
QT'. Did you ever find it? It would be nice if you inform the people who 
tried to help of what was the outcome.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v6.4.0.2
My photos at: http://www.Rancho-K.com
My photoblog: http://mau.aminus3.com

Current version is 6.1.8 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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