Hello TBUDL@thebat.,

Monday, April 13, 2015, 9:04:56 PM, you wrote:

TH> Hello Jack,

TH> Sunday, April 12, 2015, 3:14:35 PM, you wrote:

>> Hello Tony,

>> As a test, I ticked the box and then set my wife's "Receive header
>> only if message is greater than:" to 12000KB.  I then composed an
>> email of about 18MB in size and sent it to her.  She was able to
>> receive all her other messages at that fetch along with an "email"
>> from TB.  The TB "email" told her that she had a message on the server
>> that exceeded her preset.

>> So, if she ever gets any more very large emails TB won't choke on them
>> and she will be able to receive any other emails present during that
>> particular fetch.  Problem solved.
TH> I've never actually seen this message. How does she retrieve the giant
TH> email?

You click on the link - this takes you to the item in webmail - you
then decide to Receive or to Delete. Receive then downloads the big



 Using The Bat! v6.0.10 on Windows 7
6.1 Build 7601 Service Pack 1          

...A lot of people mistake their imagination for their memory.

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