Dear Adrian,

@13-Mar-2017, 1:15  +0100  (13-Mar 11:41 here) Adrian Godfrey [AG] in said:  

>> message and following it with all quoted text below, is not
... <snip>
AG> Putting   the  NEW  text before whatever is quoted is normal on 99% of
AG> mailing lists. Much easier to   read   without  having  to 
AG> scroll  past  all  the quotes to find

,------/ Here's the rule for THIS list: \------
   e. If you reply to a list post: trim! Delete most of the original
      post  except the important aspects. What we're getting at here
      is that you don't hit reply to a four paragraph question, type
      your  response at the top and hit send. Try to cut out as much
      as  possible  while retaining the general gist of the original
      message. While we're here, this list frowns on the practice of
      'top  posting'.  Please  use  in-line responses - it makes the
      whole   experience  more  conversational:
      } Someone makes this point.. [..snip]

      A reply is made with this response.

      }} A point made two messages back [..snip]
      } and this was said to make someone think

      Which leads to this summary.

      Top  posting  turns  conversations  upside down and makes them
      hard to follow:
      } How does it smell?
      }} My dog's got no nose.
`------\ End /------

AG> This  is  the  ONLY  list  I  am  subscribed to that insists on bottom
AG> posting.

It  does  not.  It  disapproves  both  top and bottom posting as shown

Please  do  not respond to moderator posts on list, although I welcome
the opportunity to clarify the actual rules, so, thank you. :)

Cheers -- Marck D Pearlstone -- List moderator and fellow end user TB! v7.4.16 
on Windows 10.0.14393 


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