Hello Thomas,

On Tuesday, May 16, 2017,  you wrote:

> Hello Chris,

> On Mon, 15 May 2017 16:25:58 +0100 GMT (15/05/2017, 22:25 +0700 GMT),
> Chris Wilson wrote:

>> I  subscribe to a mailing list but when I reply to it the reply always
>> goes to the e-mail address of the poster to the list, and not the list
>> address.   i  have  put  the  following  templates  under  the  folder
>> properties,  but  despite  this  the  replies  go to the sender of the
>> message.  What  have I done wrong please? BAT! version should be in my
>> sig, thanks.

>> %REPLYTO="<a...@contesting.com>"

> Please try without angle brackets:

> %REPLYTO="a...@contesting.com"

Thanks for that, I had high hopes you'd cracked it, but sadly it still
isn't  working  Thomas.  Even if the From: line to the list shows like

Bryan Swadener via Amps <a...@contesting.com>

The reply goes to

Bryan Swadener <bswade...@yahoo.com>

99%  of  mailing  lists I have no trouble with, mainly Yahoo ones, but
this list is a pain as I inadvertently reply via e-mail rather than to
the  whole  list  unless  I  am careful. Thanks, other ideas more than
welcome :)


Chris Wilson

"Using The Bat! v5.8.10 on Windows 7 6.1 Build 7601 Service Pack 1"


Current version is 7.1 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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