Hello Sam,

On Sunday, November 19, 2017 you wrote:

SB> Sunday, November 19, 2017, 6:27:16 PM, Jack wrote:

JSL>> I'm beginning to get a glimmer of how all this works and if I'm 
understanding it
JSL>> correctly couldn't the original HTML text file have come from Kim Komando?
JSL>> Couldn't she be including the ad text in the HTML she sends out rather 
than it
JSL>> coming from Charter? The ads seem to appear only in anything from Kim 
Komando. I
JSL>> subscribed to several of her newsletters and the ads appear in all of the
JSL>> newsletters.

JSL>> I wrote a less than laudatory snail mail letter to Kim Komando expressing 
JSL>> disgust at being assumed to have only an elementary school education with 
a room
JSL>> temperature IQ. I asked if there was a way to prevent these ads from 
JSL>> on my screen but never received a reply, email or otherwise. This does 
not speak
JSL>> well for the Komando machine.

JSL>> While I have your attention, do you have any idea who Anton Belenki is 
and why
JSL>> he might be sending me the URL to his website in response to my original 

SB> That was why I asked the question. I figured if it were just these specific
SB> newsletters, you would have pointed that out, but I wanted to check in case
SB> you were able to see a pattern. I am much more comfortable thinking it's
SB> these particular newsletters over Charter inserting ads, though that is
SB> something email hosts can do. I would expect them to show ads in the webmail
SB> client, not the emails themselves.

SB> Hopefully you can unsubscribe, or maybe just send all those Kim Komando
SB> newsletters to junk.

Yes, I can unsubscribe but I'm still very curious as to their source. A previous
reply from Lore Galore brought to the fore a little known (to me) function
within TB! that may possibly be used to prevent page elements from ever
appearing. It looks interesting and I plan to explore it at some length or until
I just give up in frustration because I don't know enough about HTML coding.

I apologize for not mentioning that all the ads seemed to be contained in only
the Kim Komando newsletters. I simply overlooked it.

Jack LaRosa
Central Alabama USA

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