Hello MFPA,

On Fri, 8 Jun 2018 06:51:16 +0100 GMT (08-Jun-18, 12:21 +0700 GMT),
MFPA wrote:

> On Tuesday 5 June 2018 at 7:26:19 AM, in
> <mid:1914164527.20180605132...@gmx.net>, Thomas Fernandez wrote:-

>> Yes.  But  since  the  mails  are  arriving there by
>> filter and not by
>> downloading, these filters are not triggered.  

> Is the option "continue processing with other filters" selected in 
> your filter that moves the messages to Account B?

No it is not, because I don't want TB! to continue with other filters.
There  might  one  that  is  lower  in the list; sorting my filters is
something I am careful with.

I would think that sub-filters are always checked (in the order of the
subfilters)  even  if  "continue..." is not checked, as otherwise they
are inactive.

> Also, why the two-step process? You could do away with the first 
> filter and move messages straight from Account A Inbox to the required
> folder in Account B.

I  think this would be the solution. However, here is the reason why I
have the two-step process:

The email address is an alias of a main email address. So, while it is
a  different  address,  it is really the same mailbox. This made sense
when  only  a  few  messages  arrived  there.  However,  the volume is
increasing  so that I first had sub-folders, and now an entire account
(which does not check emails).

The  main  filter for this is triggered by that alias email address in
Headers,  and  then  the  subfilters  are  supposed  to  sort into the
different folders in that new dummy account.

Thinking  about  it,  it  is  unlikely that someone uses my main email
address  with a Header that is used as a trigger in the subfilters. So
I will take this way and change the subfilters to be main filters.

Thanks for this tip!

> I did away with per-account filters long ago and switched to Common 
> filters instead, which I find far easier. I would suggest giving them 
> a try.

These mails only arrive in that one main account, and the account they
are  filtered  into is a dummy account. I would like to make it a main
account  but  will have to check with GMX whether they can do it. If I
just  delete  the alias from the main account and then try to create a
new  account with that address, GMX will block that address from being
created  for  a certain time, I believe. And then I cannot receive any
mails, which would be a problem.


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