Hello Thomas,

On Sunday, September 23, 2018 you wrote:

TF> Hello Jack,

TF> On Sun, 23 Sep 2018 16:42:08 -0500 GMT (24-Sep-18, 04:12 +0700 GMT),
TF> Jack S. LaRosa wrote:

>> Hello TBUDL'ers,

>> My wife's laptop has developed a habit of (apparently) randomly switching
>> address books. This last time, when I looked in
>> C:\Users\June\AppData\Roaming\The Bat!, which is where I usually find the
>> address books, the one I was looking for wasn't there. I did a disk search 
>> for
>> .abd and found a folder here: C:\TB!ADBs which contained the address book for
>> which I was searching, and nothing else. Note the transposition of the D and 
>> B.

>> Should this folder even exist? And if so should it be located in the root
>> directory of the C drive? There's a very slight possibly that I might have
>> created this folder years ago but even if so, why would the (in use) address
>> book move into this folder and be replaced in TB! with one from
>> C:\Users\June\AppData\Roaming\The Bat!? She's running TB! v6.0.12. Where in 
>> this
>> version are the address books normally kept?

TF> I confirm that my AB is wandering as well. Sometimes I find it in the
TF> Download folder, sometimes in other folders. I have not experienced a
TF> new folder being created, though.

>> Additionally, any ideas as to why TB would change the current address book in
>> what appears to be a random fashion? She has no idea how to change the 
>> default
>> address book and no one else uses this computer except me and that's usually
>> only when something like this happens.

TF> I cannot confirm this, it always looks the same over here.

I find it a little disappointing that yours was the only response (for which I
am grateful BTW) to my query.

Since the original post it has happened again but this time I noticed that the
address book she *was* using was replaced by one named "Personal Address Book".
If you right-click on that name at the top of the address book tree and select
Properties it displays STORED IN FILE:

C:\Users\June\AppData\Roaming\The Bat!\TheBat.ABD

I believe that file is the original TB! address book which is of course empty
when TB! is first installed.

When she got her own computer I created separate address book files with her
email addresses only, excluding mine. I named those address books something
along the lines of "June's address" or just simply "June". I'm beginning to
suspect that for reasons unknown, TB! will, on it's own, revert back to the
original address book, TheBat.ABD regardless of which address book she happens
to be using.

With that in mind I used TB's address book window to copy all the addresses from
the self-made address books into the one called Personal Address Book which in
File Manager is called TheBat.ABD. I then deleted the other self-made address
books leaving only TheBat.ABD in C:\Users\June\AppData\Roaming\The Bat!\.

With the other address books no longer in existence I'm hoping the next time TB!
decides to teach me a lesson, it won't have non-native address books to deal
with. Time will tell.

Again, thanks for your response.

Jack LaRosa
Central Alabama USA

Using TB! 6.0.12
OS: Win 10 v6 Build: 9200

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