Hello TBUDL'ers,

Once again, for no apparent reason I've started getting "Unknown CA Certificate"
boxes whenever I fetch my Gmail. See
Nothing's changed (at least by me) so I'm at a loss to understand why this
should be occurring. If I go directly to Google from my browser and fetch my
Gmail, nothing out of the ordinary happens. I spent quite a while searching
through the archives and actually found posts by me regarding similar
occurrences but none to match this one exactly. As you can see the message box
gives no procedure to correct the error but only to continue. If I choose to
continue then my Gmail is fetched with no apparent problems.

Anyone have any idea as to why this is happening?

Thanks for any suggestions.

Jack LaRosa

Using TB! 6.0.12
OS: Win 10 v6 Build: 9200

Current version is 8.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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