Hello Jack,

> The password in question is the one sent to me each month by RIT Labs. I'm
> assuming everyone who uses TB! gets these same emails from RIT Labs monthly.
As Adrian says in his reply to you, I also get a monthly "memberships 
reminder", in my case with passwords for this list and also TBBeta. But these 
passwords are not to be used for any TB account, unless you do want to protect 
the account for unauthorised use.
> Now when I start TB! it opens with my account tree collapsed (it
> never used to do that). When I click on the PLUS sign to expand the
> account tree TB! asks for the password. Entering the password will
> cause the collapsed account tree to expand in all it's glory and everything 
> is back to normal.

> I always close TB! when I'm done and when I go to open TB! again,
> it opens with the account tree collapsed even though I closed TB!
> with the account tree expanded as I always do.
That is normal behaviour for any password protected account.  Go ahead and 
remove the password.  
Best regards,
Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial (Madrid)- Spain)
Using The Bat! Version 9.5 (64-bit)
Current version is 9.1.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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