
Regarding your message dated: Tuesday, July 18, 2000...

DH> Does anyone have a quick and dirty little program that I can use to
DH> update all the .tbi files to the D: drive instead of the F: drive?  Or
DH> even some way I can get this to work?

Try, if you have it, the TextPad text editor which is available


... because this has search and replace which can use 'normal' or
'regular' expressions and is brilliant (in my opinion) when working on
multiple files because you can begin by performing a 'search in files'
operation to identify all the files containing such references, you
can open all those files at once, search-and-replace in all those
files at once, save-and-close all those files at once. (You see why I
like it!)

It's a shareware thing so if you've not got it already (check magazine
coverdiscs too if you have those because it's such a common app. it
appears on a great many - could save you a download if your connecting
over a slow line...) you can easily get it, use it, dump it.

Hope this helped.



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