Howdy Batters,

Sunday, August 06, 2000, 1:26:58 AM, you wrote:

NM>> You bet there is. Back up up you MAIL folder (by default, this is
NM>> C:\Program Files\The Bat!\MAIL). After reinstaling, copy it back to
NM>> it's place. Then start TB!, and create account with the same name as
NM>> before. Now select the account and hit Alt+Ctrl+Shift+L to recreate
NM>> folders. Repeat the procedure for every account.

C> Or another way is to back up the mail folder as well as TB!'s
C> installation directory, export the registry key HKCU/Software/RIT. Upon
C> reformatting and reinstalling windows, restore TB!'s directory to the
C> same directory and path it was originally and restore the registry key.
C> It would be as if nothing had been done to TB!. :-)

Wasn't somebody working on a plugin that will backup all of TB! for
you?  Think back to the days of beta 1.1x - 1.2x.

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