On Sun, Sep 17, 2000 at 03:58:23AM +0200, Karin Spaink wrote:
> Ah, seems I touched a nerve ;-)

    Nerve, no.  Stabbed the spinal cord?  Yes.

> Currently, for mail, I use the inbuilt Eudora one. But no, I wouldn't mind
> using Notepad as an editor, but I sure as hell don't want to need to invoke
> it myself. My mail client should.

    Which is what every mail client and most BBSs did before Windows came
along.  It is, quite frankly, how it should have been done before the utter
force-fed crap that Microsoft has foisted on the masses as "easy".

> Don't use me for your own war, I'll refuse ;-)
>       I'd rather that somebody address the overkill issue.

    Which I am doing.  Here it is, if the client called an external editor you
could define what features you wanted by calling a different editor.  This
leaves the authors of the mail client free to /FIX/ problems in their client.

    Not that *cough*IMAP*cough* TB has any *COUGH*poor filter dialog*COUGH*
any, more mail or UI *cough*lack of inheiretance*cough* that needs to be

> To not undo your CR and TAB? _That_ is what YTB is currently doing. I get
> kicked back to the previous line. I find that unacceptable.

    Turn off auto-format.  My editors don't do that, when using TB! it doesn't
do that.  When I tell it to reflow a paragraph it does.  However, I don't have
that turned on by default.  I'd not complain about something you're telling it
to do.

> For advanced eatures: granted. But I wouldn't call allowing <CR> <TAB>
> advanced.

    I would call auto-reformat advanced.  Don't like it, shut it off.

>  >    On paper, yes.  In electronic mail, no.
> Says you. Besides, national habits and styles notwithstanding, who is my
> mail client to tell me what _my_ mails should look like?

    No, says the online community which has been going on for 20+ years now.
As I said, you are now in the ONLINE culture.  It isn't national by any means,
it is its own culture.  As for your question your mail client is doing it
A: it has a built in editor when it shouldn't.
B: You've chosen to tell it to tell you.

> Yes. Notepad will do. 

    Of course there are more alternatives than Notepad.  Take a look at the
editors section of www.winfiles.com sometime.  They had to split it into three
sections because it is so large.  I find it amazing that the basic text editor
is one of the most fundimental interfaces into the computer that people will
have yet most people never think to get something that suits their needs in
90% of the cases in one editor.  Alas most of the people who don't look for an
editor that suits the majority of their work also are the same people who will
suffer with the crap $20 keyboard and $10 mouse that the brand name
manufacturers will foist on them.  *shrug*

> I dont want fancy stuff. I just want to be able to set my line length, my
> tabs, use CR's at will, have Ctrl-Z and that is basically it. I don't want
> another word porcessor. I have one. In my mail I want a simple text editor,
> and I won't mind it at all if I can use the plain text editors that I
> already have,

    Exactly.  And you'd most likely be more productive because you would know
what the capabilities were.  That is why I'd love to use VIM and the more and
more I don't use TB! at home and use Mutt which calls VIM the more I lean
towards dropping TB! completely because my editing goes so much faster in VIM.
The /ONLY/ thing I miss in VIM is the auto-spellchecking.  All the other
features of VIM are far superior to TB!'s editor it isn't even funny.  Of
course the fact I use this editor for configuration file editing, coding,
mail & news writing and many, many other uses has something to do with that.  

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
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