This message: 24/09/2000 20:42 GMT.

Hello A,

  A reminder of what A ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) typed on:
  24 September 2000 at 10:32:06 GMT -0500

ACM> If I wish create a new message or a reply to someone and I wish to use
ACM> my TBUDL signature, I simply type 'tbudl<CTRL><SpaceBar>' and the
ACM> signature in the message disappears and is automagically replaced with
ACM> the TBUDL signature.

  I've spent the last 45 minutes reading and re-reading all these
  postings about %ISSIGNATURE. I've been totally confused by the whole

  With all due respect to Mark and Allie, you explanations didn't really
  clarify just exactly what it did. I got the impression that
  %ISSIGNATURE had to be defined in some way or have a particular
  template assigned to it.

  After stumbling about in the dark for a while I discovered exactly what
  it does. If you want to use a specific signature that is defined as a
  QT, then including %ISSIGNATURE in the template just removes the existing
  signature in (now forgive me if I'm wrong) exactly the same was as a
  regexp would remove a PGP signature.

  Without %ISSIGNATURE you end up with two signatures... Or am I
  completely on the wrong track?

Best regards,                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Using The Bat! 1.46d S/N A27A5E65
 Windows 98 ME 4.90 Build 3000 

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