Hallo Roel,

On Thu, 4 Jan 2001 19:41:55 +0100 GMT (05/01/2001, 02:41 +0800 GMT),
Roel wrote:

R> not entirely:
R> the result here will be the startup op tb!, immediatelly followed by
R> the execution of tbbackup.bat

R> what you need to change:

R> drive:\path\thebat.exe into:
R> start /wait drive:\path\thebat.exe
R>       /w (depends on your os: /wait for nt, /w for 9x)
Oops... this wasn't the problem when I was still programming in DOS.
Version 3, that is. ;-)

About Kari's problem: what's the wait command in W2K?



Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it. 

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under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998 
using an Intel Celeron 366Mhz, 128MB RAM

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