Hello Lija, 

(L == "Lija") [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

L> Thank you and all of you who responded. How stupid I was... :(((

No, wasn't stupid, you just didn't know. ESC closes most, if not all?,
such things in TB!. For example, since I don't use message Preview, I
bang <g> on ESC or DEL all day to close message windows -- as well as
the Address Book, Account Properties, and Message Finder. I'm also
used to hitting ESC in Unix/Linux shells for command line completion
(Esc Esc, a.k.a bang, bang).

Pretty handy.

 Brian Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>     PGP-KeyID: 0xE4D0C7C8
 Web Architect, Designer, and Programmer  Tel: 864.227.0750
 http://www.fusionwerks.com/              Fax: 864.942.7249

TB! 1.49c, Windows 98 (SE) 4.10 Build 2222 A

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