Sunday, April 29, 2001, 6:23:48 PM, Michael S. Greenbaum wrote:

> I had been (until this morning) getting the list in digest form and
> sometimes didnn't read everything, so I just saw this message about the
> worm infecting TB!

> I have received a number of messages in what I presume is Russian (at
> least they are non-English characters) in the last week or so.

> I just delete them in the top pane and have not opened any of them, so
> I don't know if this alone is enough to protect me.

Yes, you are protected as long as you _do not_ open the attached
files they come with (if any). The Bat! doesn't execute/open
stuff automatically (thank God!).

        If Bill Gates had a dime for every time a Windows box crashed...
                     ...Oh wait, he already does.

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