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Hello Nick & all who responding to my question on RAR.

On Sunday, April 29, 2001 17:58:57 [ -0700 GMT], you wrote the
following in regards to 'TB! v1.51 - beta rar install':

Nick> [...] The RAR Archive will only contain the executable file...
Nick> which is copied directly to your existing TB! Folder, and
Nick> allowed to overwrite the EXE file that is already there.

Nick> Later on in your message though, you state that WinZip claims
Nick> it's an incomplete file. [...]

  OK. Copied v152 'exe' over the v151 'exe' & am up & running as you
  can see.

  My problem stemmed from not working w RAR files. I assumed one had
  to execute/extract it rather than copy it which is what I would
  probably have been doing with WinZip which is my current file
  compression software.

  Before downloading RAR (or should I download RAR), what's the
  difference between RAR & ZIP? I realize the subject is OT so OL
  may be the way to reply.

  Many thanks for your help.

- --
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA
TB! v1.52 Beta/12/WinMe/PGP Key ID: 0x3F14A060
ICQ 41116329

Version: PGP 6.5i


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