SC> I've always wondered since I started using TB what good does
SC> that "Original text" window do...

I  used to use it all of the time, until I switched over
to  a  laptop  with  a low 800 x 600 resolution & had to
conserve  screen  space where I could.  When handling my
personal  mail,  I  don't  always want to include quoted
text  in my reply- so I can scroll through the message I
am  responding  to in the window above without having to
delete  quoted  text  as  I go . . . in that respect, it
really  is  quite  handy . . . -- unless, of course, the
person  to  whom  you are replying doesn't have an email
editor  that hard wraps. Then you get long lines of text
that  are just annoying ~ and as near as I can tell, TB!
won't  "automatically  wrap  long  lines" in that little


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