Hi BatFans,

I have been thru all the Palm-and-Bat email synchronization stuff I
can find... Here's are my experiences so far: (YMMV)


After following the instructions at
http://www.silverstones.com/thebat/howdoi.html#PalmSync :

- If I set the Palm Desktop Mail Conduit to "Eudora 3.03 or higher", it DOES
NOT WORK for me!  This is quite possibly because I used Eudora prior
to The Bat!

- When I set the Palm Desktop Mail Conduit to "Outlook Express", there
is joy in Mudville (Yank slang for "IT WORKS!")

- The speed of email synching seems to be EXTREMELY SLOW until I click on
the main window of "The Bat!, at which email synching speeds up
rapidly.  Example:  If I click on The Bat!'s "Inbox" folder just as
Hotsync begins synching email, the email sync completes in about 20
seconds, for 15 messages worth of inbox, with no changes made on Palm
or Bat.  If I just leave the Hotsync window active, the email sync
takes FOREVER (150 seconds and counting for the same 15-message inbox
sync with no changes), but as soon as I click on the Bat! and make it
active, email synching finishes within seconds.  Perhaps an issue with
task priority under Windows 2000, and the Bat! (as MAPI server) not getting enough
processor time if not the active app?


I also found that the Eudora Internet Suite, which provides a MAPI
conduit, also works to sync The Bat!.  Worked properly, first time,
every time, BUT...  the Eudora MAPI email sync is very SLLLOOOOOWWW, and
appparently rather unintelligent about determining what needs to be
synced.  Don't know if this is Eudora's fault or The Bat!'s fault.  It
seems to take about 15-20 seconds per email, each and every time, even
if there were no changes to email on desktop or Palm between syncs.
This becomes a royal pain.

My environment:

- Windows 2000 notebook computer
- Palm IIIX
- Palm OS 3.3
- Palm Desktop 3.1
- Palm email sync update (3.0.4) installed
- Other conduits: Ecco Pro 4.01.1 for Address book, calendar, todos,
- Serial hotsync cradle

- I'm now syncing The Bat! email with my Palm successfully, though the
email synching speed is not tolerable unless I click on the Bat! to make it the
active app.

Best regards,
 Jim Daniels                         mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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