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Sunday, May 13, 2001, 11:18:12 PM, Marck D. Pearlstone wrote:

> On 13 May 2001 at  20:55:48 +0300 (which was 18:55 where I  live)
> Silviu Cojocaru wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and made these
> points:

SC>> I have created a filer that acts when a certain string is
SC>> found in the subject line by creatind an auto response. All fine
SC>> and dandy, but why doesn't TB send it immediately after it was
SC>> created ? (After all it says "Send auto reply")

SC>> Instead it puts it in the outbox for later delivery... is there
SC>> some option I missed ?

> Yes. One of the filter "Options" is called "Send generated messages"
> and has the options "Queue in outbox" and "immediately". That is the
> setting you need.

Ah yes! Found it! Thanks very, very much! Guess I should *open*
my eyes :)

Again thanks!

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