Hi David,

 On Thu, 7 Jun 2001, at 21:40:30 [GMT  +0100] (which was 21:40 in London) you wrote:

DE> Hello andrew

DE> On 07 June 2001 at 21:04:27 +0100 (which was 21:04 where I live) andrew
DE> emanated these words of wisdom

>>>>> I recently joined a yahoo list and the subject lines always has a
>>>>> first , long, prefix (takes up all subject area in bat) did we say
>>>>> there was a way to fix this?

DE> You could always check http://www.silverstones.com/thebat/macros.html I
DE> don't think that this is what you want.

DE> X-RAY could help you.

I found the script you're referring to but i think this will only help
if someone is replying to a message I've sent out? Not to all

While there I found that really useful script for stripping pgp sigs
and yahoo sigs from your mails. I'm sorry but I've reached my
programming limit (actually that probably happened as soon as i sat
down). The script works perfectly I just used it to reply to your mail
and it's automatically stripped out your sig, pgp and list details
which is sooo helpful (not that your sig isn't wonderful, you

But I subscribe to Yahoo! groups and wanted to get rid of their little
blurb - i thought this script could do this? But on testing it, it
hasn't - perhaps they changed their wording? I'm just wondering if
anyone knows how to make the changes to the script to get rid of it?
Is it easily done the macro means nothing to my feeble mind?

Here's the yahoo blurb as i see it:-

To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:


Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/ 

here's the macro:-

%quotes="%SETPATTREGEXP=""(?is)(\n*-----BEGIN PGP 
SIGNED.*?\n(Hash:.*?\n)?\s*)?(.*?)(^(-*?\s*?--\s*\n|_{40,}\s*\n|-----BEGIN PGP 

 andrew                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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