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On Wed, 13 Jun 2001 23:34:10 +0100, Mark thoughtfully wrote the following:
MRH> Too offer my perspective on your observation, I have tended to find
MRH> the versions of TB! that have been released since the 1.4x series to
MRH> be a lot quicker at folder access.  I have around 67,000 messages in
MRH> the account as a whole with my largest folder accounting for just
MRH> over 20,000 of those.  The whole account message base has a file size
MRH> of 451MB and when I access the biggest folder it takes an average of
MRH> 7 seconds to display the contents.  My PC has similar hardware to you
MRH> (PIII 550) but with more memory so maybe that helps some.

MRH> Most of my folders (those with 6000 messages or less) tend to be
MRH> accessible in just 2-3 seconds or less.  Mostly, the access seems
MRH> instantaneous for any folder with <2000 messages in.

MRH> I could probably do some good by purging and compressing myself
MRH> (haven't done that in a while) but overall I'd say TB! was coping
MRH> admirably.

MRH> I don't know if any of the above is helpful but it should provide a
MRH> counter view perhaps.

Processor speed and memory have been mentioned but nothing about  hard
disk performance when this could be significantly different between both
your systems. When I upgraded my hard disk to a much faster one, there was
dramatic improvement in how quickly TB! handled large message bases. I
don't really see a significant pause in the speed of folders being opened
until I exceed approximately 6000 messages in a folder where the access
time reaches about 2 seconds. With my old hard disk, it was tedious to
work with a folder containing such a large message base.

- --
A. Curtis Martin  ••  List Moderator (and fellow registered end-user)
Using The Bat! (v1.53bis) [OS: Windows 2000 (Service Pack 2)]
'Funny off-topic messages are always on-topic.'
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (MingW32)
Comment: Get my Public Key here - http://key.ac-martin.com


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