Hello Peter,

PP> Although I cannot confirm that, there an other strange mystery going on over
PP> here if I click a mailto-link and TB! is closed:

PP> "Der Vorgang kann nicht ausgeführt werden, weil der Standard-Mailclient nicht
PP> ordnungsgemäß installiert ist."

PP> In english something like:

PP> "The action could not proceeded properly, because standard mail-client was not
PP> installed correctly."

PP> Does anyone has seen something similar?
PP> TB! does not mourn when started it is not standard and although IE
PP> error-messages the above TB! become opened, minimized and a "New Mail" window
PP> is opened.
PP> In "Options" / "Preferences" / "Applications": "Check that The Bat! is the
PP> default mail client at startup" is checked.

    Thanks for the advice. I'm pretty sure the Bat! is registered
    correctly as the default mail client and I still get two new

    If it helps, I'm running win2k w/ SP1 and apparently I'm
    using the second version of 1.53bis (June 14).

Best regards,
 Albert                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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