Hi David,

 On Wed, 20 Jun 2001, at 00:43:30 [GMT +0200] (which was 23:43 in London) you wrote:

DvZ> Hello andrew,

DvZ> On Wednesday, June 20, 2001 at 23:16:48 +0100, andrew [a] wrote
DvZ> concerning 'quote only high lighted text':

a>> I wanted to include %wrapped as a cookie because somewhere on the
a>> list it was mentioned that this makes global updates much easier.

a>> %COOKIE="J:\the bat new\wrap.txt" was inserted into the template
a>> and contained a text file with just '%wrapped' in it. But when i
a>> tried a new message the '%wrapped' was shown in the body of the
a>> email - should it be invisible?

DvZ> LOL. To insert cookies into a message from a textfile, you have to put
DvZ> the taglines into the textfile. You placed '%wrapped' in the textfile
DvZ> so everytimes it outputs '%wrapped'. Instead you have to place
DvZ> '%wrapped' in your template, like this:
DvZ> %WRAPPED='%COOKIE="J:\the bat new\cookies.txt"'

Glad I'm raising a smile anyway ;-)

Let me start again on this one... below is the reply template I
currently have. I now have my third mouse button set to f4 so when i
select text and click it it only sends that info.

Nick said
>>Add the %WRAPPED Macro to your Reply Template and you're off to the races! :o)

so where would i put that in the template?

(and while we're at it cookies then are only plain text to be inserted
in each mail selected - ie. i could cookie my web address, or a sig?)


 On%SUBPATT="2", at %SUBPATT="3" [GMT%SUBPATT="4"] (which was %OTIME in London) you 

%quotes="%SETPATTREGEXP=""(?is)(\n*-----BEGIN PGP 
SIGNED.*?\n(Hash:.*?\n)?\s*)?(.*?)(^(-*?\s*?--\s*\n|_{40,}\s*\n|-----BEGIN PGP 


 andrew                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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