Hello Gergely,

On Friday, July 20, 2001 at 1:20:15 AM you wrote (at least in part):

GV> My sorting office is empty. As I said, it's an almost 100% default
GV> configuration of TB. If I can recreate this, we have a huge bug
GV> here...

There's still one question left: presume it's a bug: wherefrom TB! know the
e-mail-address it send the copy to? I can't imagine there's just the
Hotmail-address your friend uses 'hard coded' into TB! :-)
So there _have to be_ a point in your mail configuration that generates this
copy with _exactly_ the hotmail address receiving them.
Are you using a kind of local mail server that pop your mailbox in outer space
and stores them local, so you could fetch them from there?
Are you _100%_ sure there is _absolutely NO_ filter / rule in your sorting
office, even not in 'read messages'?
Does this friend of you receive a copy of _EVERY SINGLE_ mail you receive?
Or just some? Maybe there's a

Disposition-Notification-To Header
or a
Return-Receipt-To Header

in some mails you receive that point (for what reasons ever) to the hotmail

I don't belive there's a bug in TB! that causes this situation, additionally
have a look in your sent folder if the mails your friend receives are stored
there, that might be a hint it's _really TB!_ sending them.

Peter Palmreuther                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(The Bat! v1.53l on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2)

Oh no, no no no no! Not a woman! Not high heels! Not again! (Sam, "M.I.A.")

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