Hello Syafril,

On Wed, 5 Sep 2001 00:27:13 +0700 GMT (05/09/2001, 01:27 +0800 GMT),
Syafril Hermansyah wrote:

SH> On  forum/seminars,  we  are  not  the only one acting as "speaker" to
SH> answer  others  question,  this  is  not  a  class with only one guru,
SH> sometimes  the  questions came from a group of audience and the answer
SH> from  another  group of audience too....remember your voice will heard
SH> by  all  audience  so  why  "address" only to the person :-) Didn't it
SH> seems like whispering on the forum ?

Taking your forum analogy, the "... on list" is equivalent to saying:
"To the contribution made by Syafril, I would like to add/reply/..."
Thus, it is clear whose contribution you refer to (this is actually
quite normal in forums in my own experience), and has nothing to do
with whispering.



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